Our inspiration behind the Cuban Inspired Cigar Box, came from a love and fascination of the Cuban Cigar culture, history and unique branding.
Firstly, here is a very brief history of the Cuban Cigar story.
By the time Christopher Columbus had landed in Cuba, in 1492, the locals had been smoking tobacco for centuries. They called the tobacco plant “Cohiba”, and used to roll its leaves in maize or palm leaves before smoking. This early form of cigar intrigued Columbus, and so he took some tobacco back to Spain.
The Spanish were the most involved with the development of tobacco. Spanish colonies in South America began cultivating tobacco crops as early as 1531, and by 1542 they had established the first cigar factory in Cuba.
Authentic Cuban cigars are rolled by hand using impressive techniques.
With this history in mind, we decided to design our very own Cuban Cigar Gift box complete with a vintage cigar seal and a box design that was simple, elegent but most importantly, authenic.
Pandora's Cuban Cigar Gift box can be bought as a 6-Deck Box or 12-Deck Box of Luxury Poker Playing Cards.
To pay homage to the workers of the Cigar factories, we individually hand cut, pack and prepare each gift set in-house.
We believe this is the only Cuban inspired gift box containing genuine luxury poker playing cards in the market place, and makes for a unique gift set for any occation!